Sunday, September 04, 2005

More Star Tribune "By The Numbers" Figures

1 in 10: Chance that a Hispanic driver pulled over for a traffic stop by a police officer would have the vehicle searched, according to an April report by the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), part of the federal Department of Justice.

1 in 14: Chance that a black driver would have the vehicle searched during a traffic stop.

1 in 34: Chances that a white driver would have the vehicle searched during a traffic stop.

4: Number of months after the issuance of that report that the head of the BJS was demoted after he had argued against the censoring of a press release about the study, according to the New York Times.

3: Number of months after the issuance of the report that the person responsible for censoring the news release was nominated for a promotion.

Better hide that empty can of Stroh's on the floorboard, Condi.

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