Sunday, April 09, 2006

While I'm In A Cranky Mood...

...another thing that Peoria seems to lead the free world in would be "rude dipsticks in movie theatres."

If you can't shut up during the movie, stay the hell home. It's not just voices, either. Last night, Di and I were at Goodrich (only because the movie we watched wasn't available at The Rave). We were among only 15-20 people in the theatre when we arrived. We sat four or five rows from the top, with only one couple two rows behind us, and four people three rows in front of us. Everyone else was closer to the screen.

So a family of four walks in...the two teenage boys smelled like they really needed to take a shower after working under the hood of the Family Truckster all day...and where do they plop their odoriferous selves? You guessed it, they end up RIGHT behind us. 125 empty seats, at least 10 empty rows, they gotta sit behind us.

So they talk...loudly...through all the previews. I gave them "the look" and they at least had the courtesy to shut up as the movie started. They didn't talk much during the movie, although they chose to laugh when things weren't funny a couple of times, but about halfway through the movie...i.e., too late to get up, move, and make a scene, which I'm not into doing...the fun began.

First, Mom breaks out a box of candy. (The popcorn was gone by this point, I guess). Now, she's had it since before the movie started, but picks a particularly quiet time in the soundtrack to rip open the noisy plastic wrapping paper around the candy. Then, she begins to reach her hand inside the little skinny box instead of pouring it into her hand. This noise repeats approximately 326.4 times in the last half hour of the movie. At the same time, one of the Grease Twins decides he's allergic to being quiet, and develops a loud, LOUD, cough every few seconds. Just over my left ear. I was waiting to be spat upon.

Not to be outdone, Dad, who among the family most resembled the star of the movie...Larry The Cable Guy...decides his size 12, three-year old, tattered, Spalding-brand, $9 K-Mart tennis shoes need to be on the seat in front of him, meaning two seats to my left. From that point on, every time he moves, our whole row of seats feels it. Nice.

We did our best to enjoy the rest of the flick, but they weren't done. One more nudge towards rudeness must occur. When? Where? How will it happen? You know it's coming. it is. As we're walking out, Diane is one step in front of me. We pass the men's restroom, and Dad comes out just as we go by. What does he do? Does he wait for me to get by? NO! Much like a Peoria driver running the turn lane light (see below) he somehow WEDGES himself between Diane and myself as we walk towards the exit. Amazing. The guy left the bathroom and MERGED with a couple trying to leave.

People oft times suck.

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