Sunday, April 09, 2006

...Oh, Yeah, Here's Another One

A poster called "Maubs" on the Bill Dennis blog brought up some excellent points about the timing of lights within Peoria.

Let me add this little pet peeve that makes me scream: There's not a city in America with more people running red lights in left turn lanes than Peoria. It's absolutely ridiculous. From War Memorial to Glen is a particularly bad one. From War turning onto Scenic at Northwoods Mall is another. There are always two, sometimes three idiots trying to run that left turn lane light after it goes red. Same goes for ALL FOUR directions at War and University.

I'm seriously go buy a '73 Pontiac Grand Safari Wagon (or "Sherman Tank with fake Woodgrain siding") and just start blasting away from the opposite direction, ramming anyone who runs those intersections under red. I mean, I really get sick of watching morons cruise through intersections in front of me while I'm sitting stopped - although my light has been green for two seconds. Do you think this behavior would stop if I got a bunch of buddies from the Peoria Speedway, bought 'em all these big wagons, and we just started ramming people that ran red lights?

Can't be any more dangerous than walking around with a concealed weapon sticking out of your boxer briefs, can it?


Anonymous said...

BJ may be a lefty moonbat but I have to absolute agree with his take on Peoria drivers. ;-)

Anonymous said...

BJ may be a lefty moonbat but I have to absolute agree with his take on Peoria drivers. ;-)

BJ Aberle said...

I totally agree. In fact I have taken it upon myself to honk long and loud at people who are turning way into the "red." If you are traveling south on Prospect and are turning left (east)at War Memorial and clearly in "red".....that would be me honking, yelling and pointing to the traffic light.

Chef Kevin said...

We've got Prospect\War covered!! If you are travelling west on War and run a red taking a left heading south on Prospect, that's my horn and finger.