Friday, October 07, 2005


Some sanity in Washington:

THE SENATE has taken a major step toward stopping the most damaging and shameful American conduct during the war on terrorism. An amendment to the defense appropriations bill offered by Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and approved Wednesday night by the resounding vote of 90 to 9 would end four years of uncertainty about the rules for the military's treatment of detainees.

Read the whole story...

This sensible amendment, BTW, is being threatened with a veto by the administration, and they (the administration) are already working over house members to weaken the bill and the McCain amendment.

That, my friends, is shameful. When a bi-partisan vote of 90-9 goes through the Senate, when the GOP and Dems work together and agree on something, wouldn't the great "uniter" want to take this and run with it instead of against it?

1 comment:

Consultant said...

When the Senate voted 95-0 against the Kyoto treaty, that also seems to be bipartisan, yet there are scores of folks who would like the US to follow it anyway