Friday, December 01, 2006

I Plagierize a Good Marketing Campaign

Let me give it a shot:

Fumbling the bin Laden search.

Lying to the country to get us into Iraq.

Ignoring the Geneva Convention.

Creating a Civil War in Iraq.

Sending thousands of young Americans to their death, and leaving tens of thousands more disabled and disfigured for life, all over a bunch of lies and deceptions.

Losing credibility for our country world wide.

Losing the GOP majority in the U.S. House.

Losing the GOP majority in the U.S. Senate.

Squashing freedoms of U.S. Citizens with the "Patroit Act".

Squandering a budget surplus and driving us DEEP into debt.

But giving tax breaks to his rich buddies in the process.

Securing the title "Worst President In United States History"


Anonymous said...


O'Brien's Briar Patch said...

You the man.....

Anonymous said...

Worst?? Nah, that would have been Carter followed closely by Slick Willie........

Anonymous said...

All that hate and hyperbole keeps BJ warm at night.