Sunday, May 21, 2006

From My Favorite Column

The Minneapolis Tribune's "By The Numbers" always puts things into perspective for me.

Here are some recent findings:

73 percent

Correlation between those saying that "prayer is an important part of my daily life" and those saying that "the best way to ensure peace is through military strength," according to a study by the Harvard Institute of Economic Research.

Praise god, pass the AK-47.



Number of gallons of crude oil that were spilled on Alaska's North Slope in March as a result of a leak in a pipeline.


Number of consecutive days in the week prior to discovery of the pipeline leak that an alarm went off signaling a leak, but was ignored as a false alarm.

"Hmmm...we ignored the leak and lost crude...let's jack up the price to cover it."

And one more:


Date on which President Bush nominated Gen. Michael Hayden as director of the Central Intelligence Agency, saying "he's the right man to lead the CIA at this critical moment in our nation's history" and that he will "provide outstanding leadership to meet the challenges and threats of a dangerous new century."


Date on which Bush nominated then-Congressman Porter Goss as CIA director, saying "he's the right man to lead this important agency at this critical moment in our nation's history" and that he is on an "essential mission to lead the agency for the challenges and threats of a dangerous new century."

"Hey, can we use this speech again?" "Why not, they're just Americans, they're below us. They'll never know the difference."


BJ Aberle said...

There is also a high correlation between prayer and improved health. I think I read it on Drudge.

BJ Stone said...

"I think I read it on Drudge."


That gives it about a 1 in 10 chance of being true, like that Leopold fellow at Truthout. :)

BJ Aberle said...

I thought I might get a laugh from you by saying that.